Prevent water damage in your home.
Water is lovely at the beach, but not so much in your home. Water damage is one of the most common home claims; even a minor issue can cause a significant inconvenience. It can strike in many forms that have nothing to do with the weather: broken pipes, leaky toilets, and washing machines, clogged drains, and more.
With just two simple devices, you can protect your home and save money on your premium too.
Automatic shutoff valve: An automatic water shutoff device can react to a problem when you can't. This device can detect unusual water flow activity, usually caused by a leak, and automatically turn off the water to your house to help prevent further damage.
Water sensors: Looking out for water damage is a 24/7 job. Water sensor technology can stay on top of any potential water leaks within their area. Unlike the water shutoff device, a sensor will not stop a leak. But it will alert you to a potential issue to address before it becomes a bigger problem.
8 reasons your car insurance rate changes

While it can seem arbitrary, there are actual reasons you can see your price go up and down. Car insurance rates can change based on claims, driving history, adding new drivers to your policy, and even your credit score. But they can also change based on various reasons that are largely out of your control.
1. Driving record
Incidents such as accidents (even if you weren't at fault), speeding violations, reckless driving, and intoxicated driving can increase premiums. If you've filed a claim in the past few years, this might also increase your premium. You've heard it before, but do your best to remain on your guard and maintain good driving habits. As time passes, past claims on your record will decrease if you keep losses to a minimum.
2. Credit score
Your personal insurance score, based partially on your credit score, is combined with other factors to help determine your home and auto rates. This practice lets insurance companies cover more people and promotes equitable customer rates. Contact the reporting agencies if you think there is incorrect information in your credit score. Your insurance company may reevaluate your premium based on corrected credit information.
3. How much you drive
It's pretty simple: the more you drive, the more opportunity there is to get in an accident. Let yourMoran Insurance know if your lifestyle changes and you're driving less because you may be eligible for lower rates.
4. The car you drive
Generally, a new car costs more to repair after an accident. New cars are also at a higher risk of break-ins or theft. So, if you're considering buying that dream car you've always wanted, talk to your insurance company about how your rates will be affected. Remember that luxury cars aren't the only ones at a high risk of theft. Thieves also target cars with high-demand parts.
5. Adding a driver to your policy
All the factors above, as they pertain to an additional driver on your policy, can ultimately impact your rate. Adding a teenage driver can bump your rate due to the high-risk associated with new drivers.
6. Statistics where you live
Insurance companies consider factors beyond your car and personal driving habits when determining your rate. For instance, the following factors can cause your insurance bill to go up for seemingly no reason at all:
· Crime rate
· Increased accidents—often from distracted drivers
· More uninsured and underinsured drivers on the road
· Insurance fraud
· Increased natural disasters
7. Inflation
Auto repair costs have increased due to supply chain issues and labor shortages. Insurance companies need to account for these increases when determining premiums. You can learn more about how inflation is affecting insurance costs.
8. Your discounts changed
Car insurance companies may offer an introductory discount when buying your first policy. Or they started charging a fee to keep receiving a paper bill. Please check your statement and contact Moran if you have questions.

Where did you spend your summer vacation?
The DOG DAYS of Summer
Simple tips to keep your pets safe.

The dangerous heat and humidity of these "dog days" can be harmful to not only humans but our best friends Pets are considered family to many people, and in the event of an emergency, sometimes people will not evacuate if their pets have to be left behind.
Here are a few things to keep in mind during the "dog days" this summer to help keep your pets safe.
Pets, just like humans, are susceptible to heat illness - make sure to keep your animals hydrated! For dogs, a good general guideline is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day under normal conditions. Of course, any pet will need more water on hot and humid days and your pet’s age, hair type, level of activity, medical history and any prior history of a prior heat-related illness may dictate that your pet needs more water than the average dog.
When it comes to diet, reducing a pet’s food intake on warmer days can help the pet cope with the heat, especially by reducing the intake of grain-based foods that cause a metabolic spike in body temperature.
A common misconception is that giving your pet a buzz cut in the summer is a good idea, but that may not be best for your pet. A pet’s coat acts as insulation, it keeps it warm in the winter and cool in the summer by blocking the heat of the sun from reaching the skin. For example, the several layers of the dog’s coat keep the heat out and air circulating. If you remove the natural cooling process the dog will have a harder time coping with the heat. Check with a veterinarian or professional groomer to find out what’s best for your pet.
Summer Cup Mocktail
Our friends at the BBC have something ready for your next summer afternoon. Get into the summer vibe with this fruity mocktail featuring red berries, lemonade, mint, and cucumber. Cool and refreshing, it's fabulous on hot summer days.
Read the Recipe HERE

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Building Bridges for Life
As a reminder, our summer hours are coming to an end. Starting September 5th, we will be resuming our normal hours of 9-5 Monday through Friday.